

【 渥太华 总理办公室2021 年 2 月 23日消息/加拿大华文融媒体新闻网尹凡播报】



今天我们宣布了《重建的美国-加拿大伙伴关系路线图》,将为我们志向高远并且是全政府的努力创立一个蓝图,共同抗击 COVID-19 疫情大流行,并支持我们的共同繁荣。
2021 年 2 月 23 日
抗击 COVID-19 疫情
总统和总理的头等要务是结束 COVID-19 疫情大流行。他们同意加强全面和跨行业的努力,控制疫情大流行,在公共卫生对策上开展合作,并增强抵御未来疫情爆发的韧力。
 总理和总统承诺密切合作,共同战胜这种病毒,包括大力加强针对全球性疫情大流行所采取的卫生及人道应对措施、应对新的病毒变异、遵循专家建议、并支持全球获取并发送易于负担的 COVID- 19 疫苗(包括通过 COVAX 机制)。
 双方领导人强调要强力支持那些服务在应对 COVID-19 疫情前线的多边机构,包括世界卫生组织(WHO)以及联合国发展机构,并致力于迅速履行各自国家对COVAX 的承诺。
 他们一致认为,对 COVID-19 疫情爆发的溯源进行透明的、独立的、不受干扰的评估和分析是重要的,并一致认为要携手合作,共同致力于开发和使用快速、有效、透明和独立的手续来调查未来的类似疫情爆发。
 他们还认识到采取紧急的全球行动以促进卫生安全、应对生物威胁并预防下一次疫情大流行的重要性,并同意利用现有的疫情大流行防范安排和平台,例如《北美动物和大流行性流感计划》、《全球卫生安全议程》和《防止大规模毁灭性武器和材料扩散的全球伙伴关系》等。
 他们还进一步同意,有必要改善相关的国际机构,以提高全球对疫情大流行的防范和应对能力,包括通过努力加强并改革世卫组织 WHO 以及泛美卫生组织 PAHO,并探索建立一个在联合国秘书长办公室下的长期协调员,处理生物威胁的高风险后
 他们讨论了新出现的疫情爆发,包括西非和中非的埃博拉(Ebola)疫情,并一致认为重要的是需要采取健全有力的全球对策,并与非洲疾病控制和预防中心等区域组织建立伙伴关系,以建立未来的卫生保障能力。
 他们一致认为,重要的是需要反击生物威胁,无论是自然发生、故意、还是意外的威胁,并在国内推进相关政策及实践,并通过医疗、外援、以及减少威胁的计划来改进生物安全性、生物保障、以及生物正常规范,以减轻与生命科学研究和生物技
术进步相关的生物风险。总统和总理认识到,协调一致的边境政策,依然是控制 COVID-19 及其新变种的疫情、同时促进经济增长和复苏的核心。
 双方领导人同意,在未来考虑放宽加美边界限制的措施之时,将以科学和公共卫生标准为基准,采取协调一致的方法。
 鉴于我们两国皆因破坏性的 COVID-19 疫情大流行而使得吸毒和用药过度的人数增加,两位领导人同意加强《美国-加拿大阿片类药物行动计划》。
重建得更好 Building Back Better
 两位领导人一致认为,需要解决对妇女、青年、代表性不足的群体以及原住民遭受的不成比例影响的问题,以这样的方式共同重建得更好。
 鉴于 COVID-19 疫情侵蚀了过去几十年来妇女得之不易的许多成就,总统和总理承诺采取措施,支持妇女充分和平等地参与产业大军,包括支持早期儿童教育和托儿服务等。
 总统和总理还考虑了疫情大流行对小企业的影响。美国和加拿大宣布了联合倡议,通过充分利用《美国-墨西哥-加拿大协定》(USMCA)的中小企业章节以及小型企业发展中心(SBDC)模式,来加快中小型企业(SMEs)的经济复苏,并专注支持女性拥有和少数族裔/原住民拥有的中小企业。
 两位领导人发起了一项加强加美供应链安全的战略,并同意加强我们具有深厚相互关联并互利的经济关系。
 两位领导人还同意携手努力,共同建立必要的供应链,使加拿大和美国在电池开发和生产的所有方面都成为全球领导者。以此为目标,双方领导人同意加强《加拿大-美国关键矿物行动计划》,瞄准净零排放产业转型、零排放车辆电池、以及可再
 两国领导人认识到双边能源关系及其高度整合的基础设施在经济和能源保障方面的重要益处。为了进一步推进气候优先事项,他们同意重塑并更新美国能源部和加拿大自然资源部之间关于能源的现有备忘录,以加强在可持续和公平的能源过渡、清洁能源创新、联网互通和低碳运输等方面的合作。
 两位领导人还同意在能源资源治理倡议(ERGI)下加强合作,这是一项多国协同的努力,旨在推进在矿产和金属方面的国际合作,从而催生能源的转型。
 总理和总统承认国际监管领域的合作对提升经济竞争力和福祉,同时保持高标准的公共卫生、安全、劳工和环境保护的影响。
加速应对气候的雄心计划Accelerating Climate Ambitions
 回顾该协议当时呼吁各国做出努力,将全球温度升高限制在 1.5 摄氏度,两国领导人将协同工作,并鼓励其他国家共同在 2050 年之前实现净零排放。
 总理和总统表示,在美国即将主办领导人全球气候峰会之前,双方将致力于让两国共同采取合作行动,使两国增强各自的气候雄心。总统肯定加拿大新的加强版全国气候计划、及其在全球范围内具有雄心的对污染制定代价之计划,除此之外,他也
重申自己的目标,将在峰会召开之前准备好美国的国家自主贡献(NDC),并欢迎总理也在峰会之前宣布本国的 NDC,强化碳排放计划的目标。
 总统还重申了他要求污染者对其行为负责的承诺。总统和总理都同意共同努力,保护两国的工商业、工作人士和社区免受有的国家不采取强有力气候行动所造成的不公平贸易。
 两国领导人同意举行高级别气候部长级会议,协调美国和加拿大之间的合作,以增强与《巴黎协定》和净零排放目标相一致的雄心。这一部长级部长还将探讨各种机会,以调整相关政策和方法来创造就业,同时应对气候变化和不平等现象,并增强
 两国领导人重申了在最佳的科学指导之下减少油气甲烷排放的共同承诺,以保护公共健康和环境。
 两国领导人还同意采取协调一致的方法,加快在可持续、有弹性和清洁能源基础设施方面的进展,包括鼓励发展跨境清洁电力传输。为了推进这项工作,总统重申了美国到 2035 年在电力行业实现净零碳排放无污染的目标,总理重申了加拿大到
2030 年实现电力 90%无排放的目标。
 鉴于公路运输、海运和航空行业的融合特性,总统和总理同意采取一致和加速的政策行动,包括努力实现车辆零排放的来。
 两位领导人致力于与加拿大和美国的公共和私营金融机构合作,促进采用与气候有关的金融风险披露,并引导资金流与气候目标保持一致,包括实现繁荣的净零排放经济。
 两位领导人还认识到“北极国家野生动物保护区”的生态重要性。在具体事物上,他们同意携手合作共同保护 Porcupine 驯鹿产犊场,这对于格威迅和因纽特原住民的文化和生存至关重要。
 总理和总统同意成为保护自然的伙伴,包括支持原住民领导的保护工作。
 两国领导人同意在环境恢复和保护方面合作努力,并共同推进基于自然的气候解决方案。
 在推进气候解决方案和保护自然方面,总统和总理都同意与原住民、地方政府、工人以及包括公民社会、青年、商业和工业在内的利益相关者开展这项工作的重要性。
推进多元化及包容性Advancing Diversity and Inclusion
他们还致力于确保妇女不因 COVID-19 疫情而掉队,包括通过投资和各种政策来支持妇女充分参与就业,以解决因疫情大流行而造成的女性衰退现象(she-cession)。
加强安全及防御Bolstering Security and Defence/Defense
 两位领导人认同投资现代化、准备充分并有作战能力之部队的重要性,这与他们《2014 年威尔士首脑会议国防投资承诺》中对北约的承诺相一致。这种投资可以为北约、联合国和其他全球任务提供有效的贡献。
 总理和总统同意扩大在北美大陆防御以及在北极事务上的合作,包括使北美空防司令部(NORAD)现代化。他们指示各自的外交和国防部长以及国务卿及国防部长以 2 + 2 部长级会议的形式会晤,以进一步协调我们对集体安全的联合贡献。
 总统和总理重申决心携手合作,打击国内外一切形式的恐怖主义和暴力极端主义。在这一任务之下,两位领导人商定将加强合作,打击恐怖分子、暴力极端主义者和仇恨团体对社交媒体和互联网的利用,加强信息共享,以改善我们两国针对国内暴
 加拿大和美国将加强执法合作,通过建立“跨境打击犯罪论坛”来促进执法机构之间的合作,包括加强两国之间的信息共享,并应对司法改革以及跨界执法方面的挑战,使社区更加安全。这些挑战包括但不限于打击枪支、毒品和货币的非法跨境流动,
 两国将发起美国-加拿大北极扩展对话,以涵盖与大陆安全、经济和社会发展以及北极治理有关的跨领域问题。
构筑全球联盟Building Global Alliances
 两位领导人同意共同努力恢复北美领导人峰会,以重申对美国、加拿大和墨西哥之间团结的承诺。
 他们还同意在我们的半球以及全世界范围内扩大合作,以促进民主、人权和媒体自由。总理致力于与美国成为合作伙伴,举行民主峰会,并推进媒体自由联盟。
 他们还讨论了更密切协调我们应对中国的方法,包括应对其给我们的集体利益以及国际上以规则为基准的秩序所带来的挑战。这包括应对其强制性和不公平的经济行为、国家安全挑战和侵犯人权行为等,同时在符合我们利益的领域与中国进行合作,例如气候变化。
 拜登总统谴责对康明凯(Michael Kovrig)和斯帕弗(Michael Spavor)的任意拘捕,并承诺为他们的获释而努力。
 两位领导人讨论了他们对俄罗斯严重虐待阿列克谢·纳瓦利内(Aleksey Navalny)、镇压民主进程、严重侵犯乌克兰主权领土完整、以及在世界各地破坏稳定之政策的共同关切。他们还回顾了委内瑞拉、缅甸、伊朗、也门和中东的局势。
 两位领导人表达了他们对全球性难民危机的共同关注,将致力于为难民和和寻求庇护者提供安全庇护所,并决心携手合作加强在这些领域(包括难民安置)的努力。
For immediate release
Roadmap for a Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership
February 23, 2021 Ottawa, Ontario Prime Minister’s Office
“It is in the shared interest of the United States and Canada to revitalize and expand
our historic alliance and steadfast friendship to overcome the daunting challenges of
today and realize the full potential of the relationship into the future. The Roadmap for a
Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership announced today establishes a blueprint for an
ambitious and whole-of- government effort against the COVID-19 pandemic and in
support of our mutual prosperity. It creates a partnership on climate change, advances
global health security, bolsters cooperation on defense and security, and it reaffirms a
shared commitment to diversity, equity, and justice. Bound by history and geography,
the partnership between the United States and Canada endures because we invest in
each other’s success.”
President Joe Biden
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
February 23, 2021
Combating COVID-19
The top priority of the President and the Prime Minister is to end the COVID-19
pandemic. They agreed to strengthen comprehensive and cross-sectoral efforts to
control the pandemic, collaborate on public health responses, and build resilience
against future outbreaks.
 The Prime Minister and the President committed to working closely together to
defeat the virus, including by surging the health and humanitarian response to
the global pandemic, responding to new variants, following expert advice, and
supporting global affordable access to and delivery of COVID-19 vaccines,
including through the COVAX Facility.
 The leaders emphasized their strong support for the multilateral institutions that
are on the front lines of COVID-19 response, including the World Health
Organization (WHO) and UN development agencies, and committed to rapidly
fulfilling national pledges to COVAX.
 They agreed on the importance of a transparent and independent evaluation and
analysis, free from interference, of the origins of the COVID-19 outbreak, and to
work together toward the development and use of swift, effective, transparent,
and independent means for investigating such outbreaks in the future.
 They also recognized the importance of urgent global action to advance health
security, counter biological threats, and prevent the next pandemic and agreed to
leverage existing pandemic preparedness arrangements and platforms, such as
the North American Plan for Animal and Pandemic Influenza, the Global Health
Security Agenda and the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and
Materials of Mass Destruction.
 They further agreed on the need to improve international institutions for global
capacity for pandemic preparedness and response, including by working to
strengthen and reform the WHO, and the Pan American Health Organization
(PAHO), and exploring the establishment of a permanent facilitator for high
consequence biological threats within the office of the UN Secretary-General and
a sustainable health security financing mechanism.
 They discussed emerging outbreaks, including the Ebola outbreaks in West and
Central Africa and agreed on the importance of a robust global response and
partnership with regional organizations, such as the Africa Centres for Disease
Control and Prevention, to build health security capacity for the future.
 They agreed on the importance of countering biological threats, whether naturally
occurring, deliberate, or accidental and to advancing policies and practices
domestically and through health, foreign assistance, and threat reduction
programs to improve biosafety, biosecurity, and biological norms for mitigating
biological risks associated with life sciences research and biotechnology
The President and the Prime Minister recognize coordinated border policies remain
central to controlling COVID-19 and new variants while promoting economic growth and
 Both leaders agreed to take a coordinated approach based on science and public
health criteria when considering measures to ease Canada-U.S. border
restrictions in the future.
 The two leaders agreed to strengthen the U.S.-Canada Action Plan on Opioids
recognizing the rise in drug use and overdoses in both of our countries as a
result of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.
Building Back Better
The Prime Minister and the President share a vision for a sustainable and inclusive
economic recovery that strengthens the middle class, creates more opportunities for
hard working people to join it, and ensures people have good jobs and careers on both
sides of the border. They also recognized the opportunity for clean growth driven by
workers, communities, businesses, and innovation.
 The leaders agreed on the need to build back better together in a way that
addresses the disproportionate impacts on women, youth, underrepresented
groups, and Indigenous peoples.
 As COVID-19 has rolled back many of the hard-won gains women have achieved
over past decades, the President and Prime Minister committed to implement
measures to support women’s full and equal participation in the workforce,
including with respect to early learning and childcare.
 The President and the Prime Minister also considered the impact of the
pandemic on small businesses. The United States and Canada announced joint
initiatives to accelerate economic recovery of small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs), with a focus on supporting women-owned and
minority/Indigenous-owned SMEs, by leveraging the United States-Mexico-
Canada Agreement (USMCA) SME chapter and the Small Business
Development Center (SBDC) model.
 The two leaders launched a strategy to strengthen Canada-U.S. supply chain
security and agreed to reinforce our deeply interconnected and mutually
beneficial economic relationship.
 The leaders also agreed to work together to build the necessary supply chains to
make Canada and the United States global leaders in all aspects of battery
development and production. To that end, the leaders agreed to strengthen the
Canada-U.S. Critical Minerals Action Plan to target a net-zero industrial
transformation, batteries for zero-emissions vehicles, and renewable energy
 The leaders recognized the important economic and energy security benefits of
the bilateral energy relationship and its highly integrated infrastructure. To further
advance climate priorities, they agreed to renew and update the existing
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on energy between the U.S. Department
of Energy and the Department of Natural Resources Canada to enhance
cooperation on sustainable and equitable energy transitions, clean energy
innovation, connectivity and low-carbon transportation.
 The leaders also agreed to strengthen cooperation under the Energy Resource
Governance Initiative (ERGI), a multinational effort to foster international
cooperation on the minerals and metals that make the energy transition possible.
 The Prime Minister and the President acknowledge the impact of international
regulatory cooperation on enhancing economic competitiveness and well-being
while maintaining high standards of public health, safety, labor/labour, and
environmental protection.
Accelerating Climate Ambitions
The President and the Prime Minister expressed their commitment to strengthened
implementation of the Paris Agreement, including by working together and with others to
increase the scale and speed of action to address the climate crisis and better protect
 Recalling the Agreement’s call to pursue efforts to limit global temperature
increase to 1.5 degrees C., they will work in tandem, and encourage others to
achieve net zero emissions no later than 2050.
 The Prime Minister and the President expressed their commitment to have their
two countries work together on cooperative action ahead of the US-hosted
Leaders’ Climate Summit that will allow both countries to increase their climate
ambition. The President, in addition to acknowledging Canada’s new
strengthened national climate plan and its globally ambitious price on pollution,
reiterated his aim to have ready the US nationally determined contribution (NDC)
in advance of the Summit and welcomed the Prime Minister’s aim to announce
the enhanced 2030 emissions target for its NDC by the Summit as well.
 The President also restated his commitment to holding polluters accountable for
their actions. Both the President and the Prime Minister agreed to work together
to protect businesses, workers and communities in both countries from unfair
trade by countries failing to take strong climate action.
 Both leaders agreed to launch a High Level Climate Ministerial, which will
coordinate cooperation between the United States and Canada to increase
ambition aligned to the Paris Agreement and net-zero objectives. This Ministerial
will also explore opportunities to align policies and approaches to create jobs,
while tackling climate change and inequality, and enhancing adaptation and
resilience to climate impacts.
 The leaders reaffirmed the shared commitment to reducing oil and gas methane
emissions to protect public health and the environment, as guided by the best
 The leaders also agreed to take a coordinated approach to accelerating progress
towards sustainable, resilient, and clean energy infrastructure, including
encouraging the development of cross-border clean electricity transmission. To
advance this work, the President affirmed the goal for the United States to
achieve a net-zero carbon pollution free power sector by 2035 and the Prime
Minister reaffirmed the goal for Canada to achieve 90% non-emitting electricity
by 2030.
 Given the integrated nature of the road transport, maritime, and aviation sectors,
the President and Prime Minister agreed to take aligned and accelerated policy
actions, including efforts to achieve a zero-emissions vehicle future.
 The leaders committed to work with Canadian and American public and private
financial institutions to advance the adoption of climate-related financial risk
disclosure and align financial flows with climate goals, including the achievement
of a prosperous net-zero emissions economy.
 The leaders also recognized the ecological importance of the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge. In particular, they agreed to work together to help safeguard the
Porcupine caribou herd calving grounds that are invaluable to the Gwich’in and
Inuvialuit peoples’ culture and subsistence.
 The Prime Minister and the President agreed to be partners in protecting nature,
including by supporting Indigenous-led conservation efforts.
 The two leaders agreed to work together on environmental restoration and
conservation efforts, and to advancing nature-based climate solutions.
 In advancing climate solutions and protecting nature, both the President and the
Prime Minister agreed on the importance of doing this work with Indigenous
peoples, sub-national governments, workers, and stakeholders including civil
society, youth, business and industry.
Advancing Diversity and Inclusion
The Prime Minister and the President discussed their shared commitment to addressing
systemic racism, unconscious bias, gender-based discrimination, barriers for persons
with disabilities, and all other forms of discrimination and exclusion.
The two leaders expressed their shared determination to implement more effective,
equitable, and inclusive approaches to community safety, criminal justice, and law
enforcement. They will direct their agencies to focus on modernizing approaches to
community safety and addressing issues of systemic racism and discrimination,
including through meaningful engagement with civil society and community
leaders. The work will also consider innovative approaches to implementing institutional
and community-based prevention, intervention, and diversion initiatives, including
prioritizing the provision of adequate support and services to individuals facing mental
health challenges or addiction.
The leaders agreed that promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls is
the most effective approach to eradicating poverty and building a more peaceful, more
inclusive, and more prosperous world. They also committed to ensuring that women
are not left behind by COVID-19, including by addressing the she-cession caused by
the pandemic through investments and policies to support women’s full participation in
the workforce. They agreed to exchange best practices in feminist public policy and the
advancement of gender equity. They will do so by engaging policy actors from Canada
and the United States, within and outside of government, to consider child benefits,
early learning and childcare, pay equity, and women’s entrepreneurship, among other
The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to combat systemic racism and discrimination,
and agreed to work together to share best practices and promote diversity and inclusion
within both public and private sectors.
Bolstering Security and Defence/Defense
The President and the Prime Minister agreed that collective security is a shared
 The leaders agreed on the importance of investment in modern, ready, and
capable forces in line with their commitments to NATO under the 2014 Wales
Summit Defence/Defense Investment Pledge. Such investments enable effective
contributions to NATO, United Nations, and other global missions.
 The Prime Minister and the President agreed to expand cooperation on
continental defence/defense and in the Arctic, including by modernizing the North
American Aerospace Defense/Defence Command (NORAD). They directed their
Ministers of Foreign Affairs and National Defence and Secretaries of State and
Defense to meet in a 2+2 Ministerial format to further coordinate our joint
contributions to collective security.
 The President and the Prime Minister reaffirmed their determination to work
together to counter terrorism and violent extremism in all forms, both at home
and abroad. In this context, the leaders agreed to enhance cooperation to
counter exploitation of social media and the Internet by terrorists, violent
extremists, and hate groups, strengthen information sharing to improve our
respective prevention strategies addressing domestic violent extremism, and
enhance reciprocal sharing on known and suspected threats.
 Canada and the United States will enhance law enforcement collaboration by
reestablishing the Cross-Border Crime Forum to facilitate cooperation among law
enforcement bodies, including strengthening information sharing between the two
countries and addressing justice reform, as well as cross-border law enforcement
challenges to make communities safer. The challenges include, but are not
limited to tackling illegal cross-border flows of firearms, drugs, and currency, as
well as organized crime, mass marketing fraud, and human trafficking. In this
context, the President and Prime Minister noted their common objective to
reduce gun violence and directed officials to explore the creation of a cross-
border task force to address gun smuggling and trafficking.
 The two countries will launch an expanded U.S.-Canada Arctic Dialogue to cover
cross-cutting issues related to continental security, economic and social
development, and Arctic governance.
Canada and the United States will increase cooperation to strengthen cybersecurity,
and to confront foreign interference and disinformation. As part of their efforts to protect
critical infrastructure in North America, the two countries will implement a Framework for
Collaboration on Cybersecurity in the Energy Sector to enhance the security and
resiliency of our cross-border energy infrastructure.
Building Global Alliances
The Prime Minister and the President affirmed their shared commitment to addressing
global challenges, and reiterated their firm commitment to the United Nations, G7 and
G20 as well as NATO, the WTO, and the Five Eyes community.
 The leaders agreed to work towards reviving the North American Leaders’
Summit as a recommitment of solidarity between the United States, Canada, and
 They also agreed to expand cooperation with respect to the promotion of
democracy, human rights, and media freedom in our hemisphere and around the
world. The Prime Minister committed to partnering with the United States on a
Summit for Democracy as well as through the Media Freedom Coalition.
 They also discussed ways to more closely align our approaches to China,
including to address the challenges it presents to our collective interest and to
the international rules-based order. This includes dealing with its coercive and
unfair economic practices, national security challenges, and human rights
abuses, while cooperating with China on areas where it is in our interest, such as
climate change.
 President Biden condemned the arbitrary detention of Michael Kovrig and
Michael Spavor and committed to work for their release.
 The two leaders discussed their shared concern about Russia’s egregious
mistreatment of Aleksey Navalny and its repression of democratic processes,
gross violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and destabilizing
policies around the world. They also reviewed the situations in Venezuela,
Myanmar, Iran, Yemen, and the Middle East.
 The leaders expressed their common concern about the global migration crisis,
commitment to providing safe haven to refugees and asylum seekers, and
determination to work together to strengthen efforts in these areas, including
refugee resettlement. Recognizing the sources of instability and irregular
migration in Central America, the leaders also agreed to work together to expand
support for capacity building in affected countries.
Related Product
 Prime Minister of Canada welcomes plan to revitalize and expand ties with the
United States
For immediate release
Roadmap for a Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership
February 23, 2021 Ottawa, Ontario Prime Minister’s Office
“It is in the shared interest of the United States and Canada to revitalize and expand
our historic alliance and steadfast friendship to overcome the daunting challenges of
today and realize the full potential of the relationship into the future. The Roadmap for a
Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership announced today establishes a blueprint for an
ambitious and whole-of- government effort against the COVID-19 pandemic and in
support of our mutual prosperity. It creates a partnership on climate change, advances
global health security, bolsters cooperation on defense and security, and it reaffirms a
shared commitment to diversity, equity, and justice. Bound by history and geography,
the partnership between the United States and Canada endures because we invest in
each other’s success.”
President Joe Biden
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
February 23, 2021
Combating COVID-19
The top priority of the President and the Prime Minister is to end the COVID-19
pandemic. They agreed to strengthen comprehensive and cross-sectoral efforts to
control the pandemic, collaborate on public health responses, and build resilience
against future outbreaks.
 The Prime Minister and the President committed to working closely together to
defeat the virus, including by surging the health and humanitarian response to
the global pandemic, responding to new variants, following expert advice, and
supporting global affordable access to and delivery of COVID-19 vaccines,
including through the COVAX Facility.
 The leaders emphasized their strong support for the multilateral institutions that
are on the front lines of COVID-19 response, including the World Health
Organization (WHO) and UN development agencies, and committed to rapidly
fulfilling national pledges to COVAX.
 They agreed on the importance of a transparent and independent evaluation and
analysis, free from interference, of the origins of the COVID-19 outbreak, and to
work together toward the development and use of swift, effective, transparent,
and independent means for investigating such outbreaks in the future.
 They also recognized the importance of urgent global action to advance health
security, counter biological threats, and prevent the next pandemic and agreed to
leverage existing pandemic preparedness arrangements and platforms, such as
the North American Plan for Animal and Pandemic Influenza, the Global Health
Security Agenda and the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and
Materials of Mass Destruction.
 They further agreed on the need to improve international institutions for global
capacity for pandemic preparedness and response, including by working to
strengthen and reform the WHO, and the Pan American Health Organization
(PAHO), and exploring the establishment of a permanent facilitator for high
consequence biological threats within the office of the UN Secretary-General and
a sustainable health security financing mechanism.
 They discussed emerging outbreaks, including the Ebola outbreaks in West and
Central Africa and agreed on the importance of a robust global response and
partnership with regional organizations, such as the Africa Centres for Disease
Control and Prevention, to build health security capacity for the future.
 They agreed on the importance of countering biological threats, whether naturally
occurring, deliberate, or accidental and to advancing policies and practices
domestically and through health, foreign assistance, and threat reduction
programs to improve biosafety, biosecurity, and biological norms for mitigating
biological risks associated with life sciences research and biotechnology
The President and the Prime Minister recognize coordinated border policies remain
central to controlling COVID-19 and new variants while promoting economic growth and
 Both leaders agreed to take a coordinated approach based on science and public
health criteria when considering measures to ease Canada-U.S. border
restrictions in the future.
 The two leaders agreed to strengthen the U.S.-Canada Action Plan on Opioids
recognizing the rise in drug use and overdoses in both of our countries as a
result of the devastating COVID-19 pandemic.
Building Back Better
The Prime Minister and the President share a vision for a sustainable and inclusive
economic recovery that strengthens the middle class, creates more opportunities for
hard working people to join it, and ensures people have good jobs and careers on both
sides of the border. They also recognized the opportunity for clean growth driven by
workers, communities, businesses, and innovation.
 The leaders agreed on the need to build back better together in a way that
addresses the disproportionate impacts on women, youth, underrepresented
groups, and Indigenous peoples.
 As COVID-19 has rolled back many of the hard-won gains women have achieved
over past decades, the President and Prime Minister committed to implement
measures to support women’s full and equal participation in the workforce,
including with respect to early learning and childcare.
 The President and the Prime Minister also considered the impact of the
pandemic on small businesses. The United States and Canada announced joint
initiatives to accelerate economic recovery of small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs), with a focus on supporting women-owned and
minority/Indigenous-owned SMEs, by leveraging the United States-Mexico-
Canada Agreement (USMCA) SME chapter and the Small Business
Development Center (SBDC) model.
 The two leaders launched a strategy to strengthen Canada-U.S. supply chain
security and agreed to reinforce our deeply interconnected and mutually
beneficial economic relationship.
 The leaders also agreed to work together to build the necessary supply chains to
make Canada and the United States global leaders in all aspects of battery
development and production. To that end, the leaders agreed to strengthen the
Canada-U.S. Critical Minerals Action Plan to target a net-zero industrial
transformation, batteries for zero-emissions vehicles, and renewable energy
 The leaders recognized the important economic and energy security benefits of
the bilateral energy relationship and its highly integrated infrastructure. To further
advance climate priorities, they agreed to renew and update the existing
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on energy between the U.S. Department
of Energy and the Department of Natural Resources Canada to enhance
cooperation on sustainable and equitable energy transitions, clean energy
innovation, connectivity and low-carbon transportation.
 The leaders also agreed to strengthen cooperation under the Energy Resource
Governance Initiative (ERGI), a multinational effort to foster international
cooperation on the minerals and metals that make the energy transition possible.
 The Prime Minister and the President acknowledge the impact of international
regulatory cooperation on enhancing economic competitiveness and well-being
while maintaining high standards of public health, safety, labor/labour, and
environmental protection.
Accelerating Climate Ambitions
The President and the Prime Minister expressed their commitment to strengthened
implementation of the Paris Agreement, including by working together and with others to
increase the scale and speed of action to address the climate crisis and better protect
 Recalling the Agreement’s call to pursue efforts to limit global temperature
increase to 1.5 degrees C., they will work in tandem, and encourage others to
achieve net zero emissions no later than 2050.
 The Prime Minister and the President expressed their commitment to have their
two countries work together on cooperative action ahead of the US-hosted
Leaders’ Climate Summit that will allow both countries to increase their climate
ambition. The President, in addition to acknowledging Canada’s new
strengthened national climate plan and its globally ambitious price on pollution,
reiterated his aim to have ready the US nationally determined contribution (NDC)
in advance of the Summit and welcomed the Prime Minister’s aim to announce
the enhanced 2030 emissions target for its NDC by the Summit as well.
 The President also restated his commitment to holding polluters accountable for
their actions. Both the President and the Prime Minister agreed to work together
to protect businesses, workers and communities in both countries from unfair
trade by countries failing to take strong climate action.
 Both leaders agreed to launch a High Level Climate Ministerial, which will
coordinate cooperation between the United States and Canada to increase
ambition aligned to the Paris Agreement and net-zero objectives. This Ministerial
will also explore opportunities to align policies and approaches to create jobs,
while tackling climate change and inequality, and enhancing adaptation and
resilience to climate impacts.
 The leaders reaffirmed the shared commitment to reducing oil and gas methane
emissions to protect public health and the environment, as guided by the best
 The leaders also agreed to take a coordinated approach to accelerating progress
towards sustainable, resilient, and clean energy infrastructure, including
encouraging the development of cross-border clean electricity transmission. To
advance this work, the President affirmed the goal for the United States to
achieve a net-zero carbon pollution free power sector by 2035 and the Prime
Minister reaffirmed the goal for Canada to achieve 90% non-emitting electricity
by 2030.
 Given the integrated nature of the road transport, maritime, and aviation sectors,
the President and Prime Minister agreed to take aligned and accelerated policy
actions, including efforts to achieve a zero-emissions vehicle future.
 The leaders committed to work with Canadian and American public and private
financial institutions to advance the adoption of climate-related financial risk
disclosure and align financial flows with climate goals, including the achievement
of a prosperous net-zero emissions economy.
 The leaders also recognized the ecological importance of the Arctic National
Wildlife Refuge. In particular, they agreed to work together to help safeguard the
Porcupine caribou herd calving grounds that are invaluable to the Gwich’in and
Inuvialuit peoples’ culture and subsistence.
 The Prime Minister and the President agreed to be partners in protecting nature,
including by supporting Indigenous-led conservation efforts.
 The two leaders agreed to work together on environmental restoration and
conservation efforts, and to advancing nature-based climate solutions.
 In advancing climate solutions and protecting nature, both the President and the
Prime Minister agreed on the importance of doing this work with Indigenous
peoples, sub-national governments, workers, and stakeholders including civil
society, youth, business and industry.
Advancing Diversity and Inclusion
The Prime Minister and the President discussed their shared commitment to addressing
systemic racism, unconscious bias, gender-based discrimination, barriers for persons
with disabilities, and all other forms of discrimination and exclusion.
The two leaders expressed their shared determination to implement more effective,
equitable, and inclusive approaches to community safety, criminal justice, and law
enforcement. They will direct their agencies to focus on modernizing approaches to
community safety and addressing issues of systemic racism and discrimination,
including through meaningful engagement with civil society and community
leaders. The work will also consider innovative approaches to implementing institutional
and community-based prevention, intervention, and diversion initiatives, including
prioritizing the provision of adequate support and services to individuals facing mental
health challenges or addiction.
The leaders agreed that promoting gender equality and empowering women and girls is
the most effective approach to eradicating poverty and building a more peaceful, more
inclusive, and more prosperous world. They also committed to ensuring that women
are not left behind by COVID-19, including by addressing the she-cession caused by
the pandemic through investments and policies to support women’s full participation in
the workforce. They agreed to exchange best practices in feminist public policy and the
advancement of gender equity. They will do so by engaging policy actors from Canada
and the United States, within and outside of government, to consider child benefits,
early learning and childcare, pay equity, and women’s entrepreneurship, among other
The leaders reaffirmed their commitment to combat systemic racism and discrimination,
and agreed to work together to share best practices and promote diversity and inclusion
within both public and private sectors.
Bolstering Security and Defence/Defense
The President and the Prime Minister agreed that collective security is a shared
 The leaders agreed on the importance of investment in modern, ready, and
capable forces in line with their commitments to NATO under the 2014 Wales
Summit Defence/Defense Investment Pledge. Such investments enable effective
contributions to NATO, United Nations, and other global missions.
 The Prime Minister and the President agreed to expand cooperation on
continental defence/defense and in the Arctic, including by modernizing the North
American Aerospace Defense/Defence Command (NORAD). They directed their
Ministers of Foreign Affairs and National Defence and Secretaries of State and
Defense to meet in a 2+2 Ministerial format to further coordinate our joint
contributions to collective security.
 The President and the Prime Minister reaffirmed their determination to work
together to counter terrorism and violent extremism in all forms, both at home
and abroad. In this context, the leaders agreed to enhance cooperation to
counter exploitation of social media and the Internet by terrorists, violent
extremists, and hate groups, strengthen information sharing to improve our
respective prevention strategies addressing domestic violent extremism, and
enhance reciprocal sharing on known and suspected threats.
 Canada and the United States will enhance law enforcement collaboration by
reestablishing the Cross-Border Crime Forum to facilitate cooperation among law
enforcement bodies, including strengthening information sharing between the two
countries and addressing justice reform, as well as cross-border law enforcement
challenges to make communities safer. The challenges include, but are not
limited to tackling illegal cross-border flows of firearms, drugs, and currency, as
well as organized crime, mass marketing fraud, and human trafficking. In this
context, the President and Prime Minister noted their common objective to
reduce gun violence and directed officials to explore the creation of a cross-
border task force to address gun smuggling and trafficking.
 The two countries will launch an expanded U.S.-Canada Arctic Dialogue to cover
cross-cutting issues related to continental security, economic and social
development, and Arctic governance.
Canada and the United States will increase cooperation to strengthen cybersecurity,
and to confront foreign interference and disinformation. As part of their efforts to protect
critical infrastructure in North America, the two countries will implement a Framework for
Collaboration on Cybersecurity in the Energy Sector to enhance the security and
resiliency of our cross-border energy infrastructure.
Building Global Alliances
The Prime Minister and the President affirmed their shared commitment to addressing
global challenges, and reiterated their firm commitment to the United Nations, G7 and
G20 as well as NATO, the WTO, and the Five Eyes community.
 The leaders agreed to work towards reviving the North American Leaders’
Summit as a recommitment of solidarity between the United States, Canada, and
 They also agreed to expand cooperation with respect to the promotion of
democracy, human rights, and media freedom in our hemisphere and around the
world. The Prime Minister committed to partnering with the United States on a
Summit for Democracy as well as through the Media Freedom Coalition.
 They also discussed ways to more closely align our approaches to China,
including to address the challenges it presents to our collective interest and to
the international rules-based order. This includes dealing with its coercive and
unfair economic practices, national security challenges, and human rights
abuses, while cooperating with China on areas where it is in our interest, such as
climate change.
 President Biden condemned the arbitrary detention of Michael Kovrig and
Michael Spavor and committed to work for their release.
 The two leaders discussed their shared concern about Russia’s egregious
mistreatment of Aleksey Navalny and its repression of democratic processes,
gross violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and destabilizing
policies around the world. They also reviewed the situations in Venezuela,
Myanmar, Iran, Yemen, and the Middle East.
 The leaders expressed their common concern about the global migration crisis,
commitment to providing safe haven to refugees and asylum seekers, and
determination to work together to strengthen efforts in these areas, including
refugee resettlement. Recognizing the sources of instability and irregular
migration in Central America, the leaders also agreed to work together to expand
support for capacity building in affected countries.
Related Product
 Prime Minister of Canada welcomes plan to revitalize and expand ties with the
United States