
特鲁多总理与美国总统拜登及它国领导人就以色列与恐怖组织哈马斯之间 的冲突举行会晤 

【渥太华总理办公室2023 年 10 月 22 日 消息】
今天,贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)总理与法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙、德国总理奥 拉夫·肖尔茨、意大利总理乔治亚·梅洛尼和英国首相里希·苏纳克一起,参加了由美国总统 乔·拜登主持的关于以色列与恐怖组织哈马斯之间持续冲突的电话会议。 
与会领导人重申支持以色列及其抵御恐怖主义的权利,并呼吁遵守国际人道主义法,包括 保护平民。他们对两名人质获释表示欢迎,并呼吁立即释放所有剩余人质。他们承诺密切 协调,以支持其在该地区的国民,特别是那些希望离开加沙的国民。 
领导人们欢迎宣布向加沙有需要的巴勒斯坦人运送第一批人道主义物资,并承诺继续与该 地区的合作伙伴协调,以确保持续、安全地提供食品、水、医疗保健和其他援助。他们承 诺继续进行密切的外交协调,包括与该地区的主要伙伴进行协调,以防止冲突蔓延,维护 中东地区的稳定,并努力找到政治方案和实现持久和平。 
  • 总理就针对以色列的袭击发表声明
  • 加拿大对以色列、约旦河西岸和加沙地带危机的回应
  • 加拿大为加沙地带及邻近地区的人道主义援助提供额外资金
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau participates in a  meeting with President of the United States of  America, Joe Biden, and other world leaders on  
the conflict between Israel and the terrorist  organization Hamas 
October 22, 2023 
Ottawa, Ontario 
Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau participated in a call hosted by the President of the  United States of America, Joe Biden, regarding the ongoing conflict between Israel and the  terrorist organization Hamas, alongside the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, the  Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, and the Prime  Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak. 
The leaders reiterated their support for Israel and its right to defend itself against terrorism and  called for adherence to international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians.  They welcomed the release of two hostages and called for the immediate release of all  remaining hostages. They committed to close coordination to support their nationals in the  region, in particular those wishing to leave Gaza. 
The leaders welcomed the announcement of the first humanitarian convoys to reach  Palestinians in need in Gaza and committed to continue coordinating with partners in the  region to ensure sustained and safe access to food, water, medical care, and other assistance.  They committed to continue close diplomatic coordination, including with key partners in the  region, to prevent the conflict from spreading, preserve stability in the Middle East, and work  toward a political solution and durable peace.
Associated Link 
  • Statement by the Prime Minister on attacks against Israel 
  • Canada’s response to the crisis in Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip • Canada provides additional funding for humanitarian assistance in Gaza Strip and  neighbouring area