

【加拿大总理办公室2023 年 10 月 8 日 渥太华 消息】
贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)总理今天就最近以色列遭受的袭击发表了如下声明: 
“ 昨天清晨,在犹太人的节日和赎罪日战争爆发 50 年之后,恐怖组织哈马斯对以色列发 动了大规模、有组织的攻击。加拿大坚决地并以最强烈的措辞谴责这些可怕的袭击,并重 申支持以色列根据国际法进行自卫的权利。 
我们看到的画面令人恐怖和震惊。在未来几天里,当我们充分认识到这一暴力事件的规模 和其残暴程度时,我们向所有受影响的人表示最深切的慰问。我们为数百名无辜者被无情 地夺去生命而心碎。 
我们呼吁立即释放被劫持的人质,并要求按照国际法对待他们。我们将继续密切关注局 势,并与我们的国际伙伴保持联系,以恢复该地区的和平与安全。我们都必须努力保护平 民的生命。 
对于我们的以色列朋友,加拿大人与你们站在一起。加拿大政府随时准备支持你们–我们 对以色列人民的支持是坚定不移的。 ” 
在受影响地区及其周边区域的加拿大人应减少出行,听从当地政府的指示,并就地避难, 直到安全离开该地区。如需了解最新建议,请关注我们的 “旅行建议和忠告”,并注册 “海 外加拿大人注册 “服务。 
加拿大驻渥太华以及特拉维夫和拉马拉使团的官员正夜以继日地工作,在此困难时刻为加 拿大人提供紧急领事援助。 
如需紧急领事援助,加拿大人可通过以下任一方式联系加拿大全球事务全天候紧急观察和 响应中心:
致电 +1 613-996-8885 
通过短信 +1 613-686-3658 
通过 WhatsApp:+1 613-909-8881 
通过 Telegram:Canada Emergency Abroad 通过 Signal: +1 613-909-8087 
通过电子邮件: sos@international.gc.ca
Statement by the Prime Minister on attacks against Israel 
October 8, 2023 Ottawa, Ontario 
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the  recent attacks against Israel: 
“Early yesterday, on a Jewish holiday and 50 years after the start of the Yom Kippur  War, the terrorist organization Hamas launched a massive, coordinated attack  against Israel. Canada unequivocally condemns these terrible attacks in the  strongest possible terms and reaffirms its support for Israel’s right to defend itself,  in accordance with international law. 
“The images we have seen are horrifying and shocking. As we fully realize the scale  and brutality of this violence in the coming days, we extend our deepest  condolences to everyone affected. Our hearts break for the hundreds of innocent  people whose lives were senselessly taken. 
“We call for the immediate release of those being held hostage and demand they  be treated in accordance with international law. We will continue to monitor the  situation closely, and we are in touch with our international partners to restore  peace and security in the region. We must all work to protect civilian life. 
“To our Israeli friends, Canadians stand with you. The Government of Canada  stands ready to support you – our support for the Israeli people is steadfast.” 
Canadians in or around the affected area should limit their movements, follow  instructions of local authorities, and shelter in place until it is safe to leave the area.  For updated advice, Canadians are encouraged to monitor our Travel Advice and  Advisories and sign up with the Registration of Canadians Abroad service.
Canadian officials in Ottawa and in our missions in Tel Aviv and Ramallah are  working around the clock to provide emergency consular assistance to Canadians  in these difficult times. 
For emergency consular assistance, Canadians can contact Global Affairs Canada’s  24/7 Emergency Watch and Response Centre: 
  • by calling +1 613-996-8885 
  • by text message at +1 613-686-3658 
  • via WhatsApp at +1 613-909-8881 
  • via Telegram at Canada Emergency Abroad 
  • via Signal at +1 613-909-8087 
  • by e-mail at sos@international.gc.ca