

【渥太华总理办公室2023 年 10 月 3 日 消息】
总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)今天对格雷格·弗格斯(Greg Fergus)阁下当选众议 院新议长表示欢迎。 
众议院议长由议员们通过无记名投票选举产生,负责监督众议院的会议和议事程序,维护 议院秩序和礼仪,公正地解释议院规则,捍卫议员的权利和特权。 
在新的岗位上,弗格斯议长将努力促进众议院的言论自由和健康辩论,同时维护我们民主 进程的公开性、透明度和信任度,让议员们继续努力解决加拿大人最关心的问题。 
“今天是具有历史意义的一天。格雷格·弗格斯不仅为这一职位带来了丰富的经验,他还是 第一位成为众议院议长的加拿大黑人–这对所有加拿大人,尤其是希望参与政治的年轻一 代是一个激励。我祝贺他的当选,并期待着继续与他以及所有国会议员合作,维护将我们 加拿大人团结在一起的价值观,在我们国家和世界面临的问题上取得进展,并为所有人建 设一个更加繁荣的未来。 
  • 格雷格·弗格斯阁下是众议院第 38 任议长。
  • 议长还负责监督众议院的行政事务,在与参议院、王室和议会外其他机构的关系中 担任发言人,并履行各种礼仪和外交职责。
  • 众议院议长的职责
News Release 
Prime Minister welcomes the new Speaker of  the House of Commons 
October 3, 2023 
Ottawa, Ontario 
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today welcomed the election of the Honourable Greg  Fergus as the new Speaker of the House of Commons. 
Elected by fellow Members of Parliament through a secret ballot, the Speaker of the House of  Commons oversees the sittings and proceedings of the House, maintaining order and decorum  in the chamber, providing impartial interpretation of its rules, and defending the rights and  privileges of its members. 
In his new role, Speaker Fergus will work to promote free speech and healthy debate in the  House while upholding openness, transparency, and trust in our democratic processes, as  Members of Parliament continue to work hard to address the issues that matter most to  Canadians. 
“Today is a historic day. Greg Fergus not only brings a wealth of experience to this role, he is the first Black Canadian to become Speaker of the House of Commons – an inspiration to all  Canadians, especially younger generations who want to get involved in politics. I congratulate  him on his election, and I look forward to continue working with him, and all Members of  Parliament, to uphold the values that unite us as Canadians, make progress on the issues facing  our country and the world, and build a more prosperous future for all.” 
The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada 
Related Products
  • The Honourable Greg Fergus is the 38th Speaker of the House of Commons. 
  • The Speaker also oversees the House of Commons administration, serves as its spokesperson in its relations with the Senate, the Crown, and other bodies outside Parliament, and fulfills various ceremonial and diplomatic duties. 
Associated Link 
  • Role of the Speaker