
Persevering in the Adversity of Canada-China Relations – Interview with Weng, Guoning, the chairman of CTCCO

【CC News 2022.3.28 /Selina/ Tom reported】
Weng Guoning, chairman of The Confederation of Toronto Chinese Canadian Organizations (CTCCO), recently returned to Toronto from China and was invited to be interviewed by CC Media News.
Walking into the CTCCO office, the pictures on the walls attracted our attention.
It was a group photo of the leaders of China cordially meet with the CTCCO leaders and the representatives of overseas Chinese in Toronto during their dozens of state visits to Canada in the past 40 years.
The Chinese leaders in the picture are: Zhao Ziyang, Li Xiannian, Li Peng, Yang Shangkun, Qiao Shi, Jiang Zemin, Zhu Rongji, Li Ruihuan, Tian Jiyun, Wen Jiabao, Hu Jintao, Wang Qishan, Li Keqiang, etc.
These historical pictures vividly witness the good state relations between Canada and China and the profound friendship between the two peoples.
However, during the four-year period when Chairman Weng was the chairman of the CTCCO, there was no exchange of visits between the leaders of the two countries.
“Do you have any regrets about that?”
Reporter Selina asked.
Weng Guoning replied: As an individual, I have a little regret, but as the person in charge of the CTCCO, I am more saddened that Canada-China relations have fallen into a historic low.



Weng Guoning reviewed the history of Canada-China relations.
He said that the friendship between Canada and China has a long history, and the good national relations and friendship between the two countries were created by the leaders of the older generation of the two countries, including Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau.





Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau decided to establish diplomatic relations with China in 1968. After two years of discussion, they finally established diplomatic relations in 1970. Two years later, President Nixon of the United States visited China.
Recall that more than 80 years ago, Canadian Dr. Henry Norman Bethune came to China to support the Chinese military and civilians in fighting against the Japanese invaders, and finally dedicated his precious life to Chinese national liberation.




Beginning with Dr. Henry Norman Bethune, the friendship and special affection for the Canadian people has long been deeply engraved in the hearts of the Chinese people, which will never be erased.
In the next step, we will continue to promote the Bethune spirit, which will be further inherited and carried forward in Canada and China.
Selina: Yes, Dr. Henry Norman Bethune is indeed a well-known hero in China.
Weng Guoning: In the history of Canada-China relations, there is one more important thing that we must talk today, because for various special reasons, there was hardly any report on it at that time;
Not only was it almost unknown in China at the time, but in Canada, people also knew little about it.



From 1959 to 1961, there was a severe three-year famine in China.
How severe is this famine?
What is the number of abnormal deaths in 3 years?
You can find out about it on the Internet.
It was the Conservative government in Canada who was in power at the time, who lent a helping hand to China. They sold 1.09 million tons of wheat and barley to China at par in three years under enormous pressure both in Canada and abroad.
The food in China was only grain and almost no meat.
Usually urban population was given a monthly ration of about 15Kg of grain, but it will not be able to supply in those three years, and the rural areas have to pay public grain to the city, and the situation is even worse.
After a rough calculation, 1.09 million tons is 1.09 billion kg.
You know, at that time, one steamed bun per day might be able to save a fresh life.
You can think about it right now, what role did the 1.09 billion kg of grain play in China at that time?
It would be an understatement to say “carbon in the snow”.
Why the decision made by the Canadian government at that time was under huge international and domestic pressure?
Because Canada and China did not establish diplomatic relations at that time, Canada had diplomatic relations with the Taiwan authorities. During the Korean War a few years ago, Canada sent more than 5,400 troops to join the United Nations Army, and they indirectly met with the Chinese army.
In the early 1960s, China also fought on the border with India, and India and Canada were both members of the Commonwealth; today, we also know how powerful the Indian brothers are in the Canadian Parliament.
At that time, the Taiwan authorities also took advantage of the chaos to clamor for counterattacks on the mainland, while the United States imposed a total blockade of China, now called economic sanctions. If Canada violated the US sanctions on China at that time, it would also be subject to corresponding sanctions.
What’s more, China didn’t have the money to buy grain at that time.
Taking the above factors into consideration, the Canadian government at that time could not find any reason to comply with China’s request for help.




We must always remember the man in the photo – Alvin Hamilton, then Minister of Agriculture of Canada.
It was he who, at the cost of his resignation, successfully persuaded then-Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, who was also a Saskatchewan, to urge success the Canada-China wheat trade against all oppositions in 1960.
The money to buy grain was lent to China by Canada, which means, the grain was eaten first, and the money was paid back later.
In this way, Chinese urbanites have food to eat and no longer collect grain from the countryside;
China’s counterattack on the border with India has been won;
The Taiwan authorities’ plan to counter-attack the mainland has also come to nothing…
All of the above are indirectly related to Canadian wheat.
Today, we also hear people say that selling wheat from Canada to China was purely commercial at that time.
I have to say you are a full man who does not know that a hungry man is hungry.
Today, when you have enough to eat and drink, and maybe it’s fashionable to go on a diet and lose weight, you ‘d better to ask your grandparents what it’s like to be hungry?
Let’s think about it. At that time, China was asking for help from many countries in the world. Why did only Canada make this “sale” in the end?
At that time, the Soviet Union, Australia, and South America were also world-famous grain producing areas.
More importantly, Canada did not take advantage of the dangers to raise prices, but sold this batch of wheat to China at a par.
According to the memories of the old people, there was a limited supply of cakes in big cities at that time, 2.9 yuan per kg, but the basic income of one working people at that time was only 30-40 yuan per month. Even at this high price, it may not be possible to get it in a queue.
At that time, the price of Canadian wheat shipped to the Chinese port, that is, the CIF price in international trade, was forty cents per kg.
This is life-saving food, money can’t measure it.
The Chinese nation is the most grateful nation. Although this wheat trade was carried out quietly at that time, we can never forget the deep friendship of Canadian.
We are bringing this up again today to let everyone know about the story that could not be made public at the time, and let people know that Canada has great helped China before.
So, should we today also do more “help in the snow” between Canada and China?


Selina: This story is really touching; how do you think about the current Canada-China relationship?
Weng Guoning: There has never been a fundamental conflict of interest between Canada and China. I always believe that the current slump in Canada-China relations is temporary. Canada-China good relationship and friendship is the general trend of the people, and sunshine always comes after wind and rain.
I also believe that the relationship between Canada and China should not be so greatly affected by individual incidents, because some individual actions or commercial actions of private companies in their international operations are not government actions and cannot represent any country.
For example, the originator of the Meng Wanzhou case was the United States, and only the United States was the only one who solved the issue. The Canadian judiciary was just serious and mechanical in fulfilling a legal agreement with the United States many years ago.
It can be said that without the efforts of the Canadian government, Meng might have been extradited to the United States long time ago.
In her first public speech after her release, Meng Wanzhou thanked the judges and lawyers, the Canadian government for upholding the rule of law, and the Canadian people and the media for their tolerance.
This is the true voice from her heart.
But for some reason, this information and many other related information have not been truthfully conveyed to Chinese society.
In the past two years, based on the facts, I have done a lot of work to clarify facts and eliminate misunderstandings with all walks of life in China, and have achieved some results. The Meng Wanzhou case has gradually cooled down.


Selina: As far as I can remember, you have also spoken out publicly on Xinjiang-related issues many times?
Weng Guoning: Yes, the Xinjiang issue is also one of the biggest misunderstandings in Canada-China relations.
For example, in the Canadian Parliament’s Xinjiang-related motion, many people in China believe that Canada has made a new action against China.
Based on the facts, I have patiently explained to all walks of life in China, including some government departments, over and over again patiently. This motion is just a proposal initiated by individual parliamentarians, and every parliamentarian has the right to initiate a proposal, but this does not represent the attitude of the Canadian government, because all members of the ruling party abstained from voting on this motion.
Secondly, although the motion was passed, it did not become a law, so it has no legal binding force. Therefore, it cannot be mistakenly believed that Canada government is engaging in anti-China affairs again.
On the contrary, Canadian society from all walks of life is not very familiar with the situation in Xinjiang, and it is all based on hearsay;
In the past few years, there have been frequent violent terrorist incidents in Xinjiang. Isn’t this a fact?


Why the same violent terrorist incidents in other countries are considered terrorist acts in the West, but not in China?
Isn’t this an obvious double standard?
It is inevitable to overcorrect, but in recent years, the number of violent terrorist incidents in Xinjiang has gradually decreased, which is also an indisputable fact.
The Congressman Zhao, who proposed the Xinjiang-related motion in Congress, has ulterior motives. This kind of groundless smearing of China, an attempt to alienate Canada-China relations, and to provoke friendship between Chinese in Canada and other ethnic groups is fundamentally unpopular.
Therefore, in the federal election last year, Mr. Zhao Jinrong, who initiated the motion, was rejected by the voters in his constituency. The people gave the best answer to his proposal with their votes.
This is also a manifestation of the superiority of Canada’s democratic system. Whoever goes against the will of the people and disobeys the will of the people will eventually be rejected by the people.
Just as Canada-China relations should not be affected by contingencies arising from individual non-government actions, neither should Canada-China relations be affected by the Xinjiang issue.
I have said before that we sincerely invite and are willing to accompany Canadian politicians and media people to visit Xinjiang on the spot, whether it is good or bad, seeing is believing.
Today, my invitation is still valid.


Selina: How do you think what are the main reasons for these misunderstandings and misjudgments between Canada and China?
Weng Guoning: There are reasons for the different systems of the two countries, as well as information asymmetry and non-transparency, which lead to the lack of deep and comprehensive mutual understanding at multiple levels of society between the two countries.
These misunderstandings and misjudgments between the two countries are not only common among the people, but also exist at multiple levels of society and even government functional departments.
In my opinion, the exchange of information between the two countries should be open, and the foreign agencies and the media sent abroad should truthfully and comprehensively reflect the real situation of the host country to their home country.


Selina: What work have you done to deal with these misunderstandings?
Weng Guoning: As the chairman in charge of the largest and most influential Chinese community in Canada, I often participate in some activities such as meetings and discussions organized by relevant functional departments of the Chinese government and people’s congresses and CPPCC groups at all levels, and I have also been interviewed by many news media. I was also invited to give lectures in colleges and universities.
I adhere to the principles of objectivity, fairness, and seeking truth from facts, and have done a lot of work to clarify facts and eliminate misunderstandings.
As long as I think it is a real and objective existence, I must insist. I believe that my views expressed based on the true face of the facts will eventually be understood and accepted, and the truth will be recognized by people sooner or later.


Selina: How should Chinese in Canada position themselves between Canada and China?
Weng Guoning: The fundamental systems of Canada and China are different, and I think each has its own strengths; China’s national system has done great things all the way, such as successfully holding the Beijing Olympics twice, and vigorously controlling the epidemic;
In Canada, people enjoy more personal freedom.
As Canadian Chinese, we cannot apply Chinese legal concepts and behavioral habits to Canada, and conversely, we cannot apply Canadian laws to China.
Personally, I think we should do as the locals do.
We know our hometown, and we need to know more and more about our second home, Canada.
In the process of dealing with ethnic issues and maintaining national security and unity, the Canadian government has creatively proposed and used a series of concepts, principles, systems and policies, such as “inclusiveness and compromise”, federalism, “limited identify”, “Symmetrical Federation”, Protection of Minorities, “Multiculturalism”, etc.;
The application of these concepts, principles, systems and policies has provided a strong guarantee for the harmonious coexistence of all ethnic groups in Canada and the maintenance of the unity of the federal state, contributed the wisdom of Canadians to other multi-ethnic countries in the world, and set a good example.
Besides, we immigrated to this beautiful and free country, this is your personal choice voluntarily, no one is forcing you;
So, we have to respect our choice.
Now we can freely travel and live in two great countries with different systems, which is absolutely worth cherishing.
All Canadian Chinese must abide by Canadian laws and regulations, respect Canada’s democratic system and multicultural policy, live in harmony with people of all ethnic groups in Canada, and strive to build their second hometown.
This is not fundamentally contradictory to loving our hometown and loving our ancestral country.
For any government, it is not impossible to criticize, but it must be well-founded and well-intentioned, and it must be moderate; attack and abuse are never criticism.


We should not advocate anarchism, and should not blindly oppose and criticize the country and society you live in.
If these two countries and governments with different systems are not to your liking or to your wishes, can the world still accommodate you?
The Canadian Chinese community is made up of individuals. It is everyone’s responsibility to maintain and promote Canada-China friendship.
Especially at the current low point in Canada-China relations, everyone should do more things that are beneficial to the relations between the two countries.
It’s like a conflict between your parents and parents-in-law. Should you ease and mediate the conflict to eliminate prejudice and misunderstanding, or stir up the rift to fuel the fire?
In the previous stage, the Canadian Chinese and overseas Chinese in Canada fully supported the country of origin and host country to fight the epidemic, and received unanimous praise from both Canada and China. This is something we are very proud of.
I also saw your media report a few days ago about [Xiushan Media will promote the formation of a friendship between Bethune City, Ontario and Yingkou City, China], and Xiushan Media has done a very good job in this matter.
Full of positive energy, this is the attitude that Canadian Chinese and overseas Chinese should have during the current slump in Canada-China relations, and the most important thing to do.
Please convey my respect to Xiushan Media.
Selina: Yes, I will definitely convey it; thank you for accepting our interview.
Weng Guoning: Thank you for the interview.








